Software Engineering for Research Software Engineering (SE4RSE'23)

October 16-18, 2023

Held in conjunction with US-RSE Conference 2023

Chicago, IL USA

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Call for Papers

This is a time of great growth at the intersection of software engineering and research software engineering, There is a need for members of these communities to share experiences, identify problems, and enumerate common goals to form the basis for an ongoing research agenda. The goal of this workshop is to provide a venue to facilitate interaction between software engineers and members of the research software engineering community. To address this goal, we seek contributions from members of those communities that describe perspectives, research outcomes, and lessons learned (positive or negative) about research software engineering.

This workshop will build upon previous SE4Science workshops. Similar to the format of the previous workshops, in addition to presentation and discussion of the accepted abstract, we plan to devote significant time during the workshop to discussing important topics that arise from the presentations. The goal of these discussions is to (1) develop a joint research plan that can be conducted collectively by workshop participants and (2) development of ideas/draft of position statements to be published externally.

Submission Instructions
We encourage submissions from members of the software engineering and research software engineering communities addressing issues including but not limited to:
  1. Case studies of software development processes used in research software applications;
  2. Design patterns and software architectures for research software;
  3. Software engineering metrics and tool support for research software applications;
  4. Issues in publishing or reusing research software and data;
  5. The use of empirical studies to better understand the environment, tools, languages, and processes used in research software application development and how they might be improved; and
  6. V&V techniques specifically targeted for research software .

Please observe the following:
  1. Presentation abstracts should be at most 500 words formatted according to IEEE format.
  2. Submit your paper in PDF: EasyChair
  3. Submission September 5, 2023
  4. Notification September 15, 2023
Submission implies the willingness of at least one of the authors to register and present the paper.

Last Updated on August 30, 2023 by Jeffrey Carver